Falls Prevention

A fall can have a huge impact for people aged 65 years and over.  Here is some information to help build confidence and knowledge about how to avoid falls.

Are you at risk of a fall or a falls injury?

If you are 65 years and over and can answer Yes to any of the questions below, then you have a risk of falling:

  • Have you had a slip, trip or fall in the past 12 months
  • Do you have a fear of falling
  • Are you on 4 or more medications
Why should I worry about falls?

Falls are the leading cause of hospitalizations for people aged 65 years and over.  The good news is most falls are preventable.

The impact of a fall can create:

  • A fear of it happening again
  • Loss of independence and confidence
  • A reluctance to undertake certain activities


Falls – Preventing falls and reducing harm from falls

Safety Cross
100.3 KB
How to Use Bedrails Safely
76.6 KB
Tips and Resources
145.5 KB

In-Home Falls Prevention Brochure - Wairau
224.1 KB
Healthy Ageing Booklet
1.6 MB
Staying Independent Brochure
1.5 MB
Choosing a Walking Stick
429.1 KB
Walking Stick Check
86.6 KB

For more booklets on falls prevention click here

If you want to identify your personal risk of osteoporosis, just take a few minutes to complete the Know your Bones test, and learn the simple steps you can take to improve your bone health.