Persistent Pain Self-Management Programme

The Persistent Pain Self-Management Programme is for people who have pain for more than 3 months that has impacted their physical, emotional, and mental well-being and aims to give you the skills to better cope with your chronic pain more effectively and put you in control of your pain instead of the pain controlling you.

People with chronic pain may have seen many doctors, consultants, and various professionals and may have had other treatments aimed at alleviating their pain – all of which may have had limited success.

The programme is designed to help you learn and understand more about chronic pain, the factors that influence it and how it affects your life.  The Persistent Pain Self-Management Programme 

What Do I Need to Do:
  • Be ready and motivated to make learn how changes in your lifestyle can help you better manage your pain.
  • Be ready to learn how changing your attitude impacts your pain.
  • Understand your pain may not go away, but it can be managed.
  • Attend 3 workshop sessions.
What is involved in the Programme:
  • Education about acute vs chronic pain.
  • Learning why pain medications work and why they may not work.
  • Learning different tools to help you manage your pain.
  • Learning about the negative effects of stress and anxiety on pain.
  • Learning about the positive effects of mindfulness on pain.
  • Learning how to set goals and pace activities to reduce flare ups and help you return to a more satisfying quality of life.

The Programme is free to attend and you can choose to leave the Programme at any time.

Our goal is to help you learn how to manage your pain.

What  Can I Expect:

Outcomes generally include:

  • A better understanding of chronic pain.
  • A better understanding of how to manage your well-being and monitor your pain symptoms.
  • A better understanding of self-management tools that can help to reduce flare-ups and increase quality of life.
  • A better understanding why medication may not work and learning other strategies to use to reduce the need for medications.
  • Learning other self-care and management tools to use when you have pain.
How Can I Enrol In the Programme:

The Persistent Pain Self-Management Programme accepts referrals from General Practitioners or other health professionals. 

Once a referral is received you will be contacted with additional information about the programme and details for scheduling you into an upcoming workshop.



Useful Link: Healthify


Self-Management Coordinator:

Lois Wong

03 – 520-6267