With Practice Plus, you’re only a few clicks away from a same day after-hours Practice Plus Clinician appointment that suits you. We help tautoko (support) and connect you with trusted medical care quickly, as an after-hours extension to your regular medical centre team and Clinician.
Through video or phone technology, a Practice Plus Clinician can privately and securely help treat most medical needs, sicknesses or injuries. From a common cold, contraceptive options, migraines and more, Practice Plus can provide treatment and prescriptions direct to your pharmacy along with health counselling and off-work certificates, as well as many more conditions.
Practice Plus is your medical centre’s trusted virtual health provider, available after-hours, weekdays between 5-10pm or weekends and public holidays between 8am-8pm.
If you need to be seen in-person your Practice Plus Clinician will provide advice on the next steps in your care plan and the services available including connecting you back with your enrolled medical centre.
The notes of your appointment will be sent back to your enrolled Clinician for continuity of care, unless you request these not to be shared.
Practice Plus is an After-Hours Service with same day appointments available:
- 5pm to 10pm weekdays
- 8am to 8pm weekends and Public Holidays
You can book in two ways:
- See a Clinician now – this will book you into a queue to be seen by the next available Clinician.
- Book an appointment – this will allow you to book a specific time that works for you.
Appointments will be 15 minutes long, however if you need more time the Clinician may continue your appointment for longer at their discretion. If your Clinician has another appointment scheduled, you have the option to rebook another appointment.
- $65 for ages 14 and over
- $55 for ages 13 and under
- If you are a Community Service Card holder, you will be charged $19.50 for the appointment.
You will be asked to enter your credit or debit card details when booking your appointment, however your card will not be charged until your appointment is completed.
Practice Plus uses stripe payment gateway, which is certified to the most stringent industry level of security.
You will receive a tax receipt following your appointment and payment via email.
If for some reason you have a technical issue with your video appointment, the Clinician will call you back via phone and full appointment fee will be charged. If both these options do not work, you will not be charged for the appointment.
If you are hearing impaired or experience communication difficulties, a virtual appointment may not be appropriate.
If you need help with translation, you may wish to have a support person with you in the appointment