Health Care Home


Extending Health Care Home to Strengthen Family Practice in Marlborough

Hikitia is an extension of the successful Health Care Home model, which supports the practices journey on prioritising equitable outcomes for their patients and adapting flexibly in how they meet their patient needs.

Within Hikitia, our practice teams are made up of a wider selection of health professionals and team members engage with patients through a variety of channels, rather than exclusively in person and onsite at the practice.



What does it mean for me and my practice?

Patient benefits include:

  • Alternatives to face-to-face consultations (phone, email and video) saving time
  • Improved access to care when it is urgently needed
  • Access to an online portal to access services 24/7
  • Greater service choice
  • Better support and management of ongoing health conditions
  • Proactive support to keep them as well as they can be
  • Opportunity for their voice to be heard about how services are delivered

Practice benefits include:

  • A calmer working day by managing acute demand more effectively
  • Time and resources to be proactive and plan care for the more complex patients
  • Coordination with other healthcare providers through an interdisciplinary approach
  • Additional roles in the team spreading the workload more effectively
  • Improved business efficiency and release of clinical time
  • Support from change management experts and significant suite of resources
  • Joining a community of like-minded individuals for support and shared learning


Patient Journey

The purpose the the patient journey is to bring the Health Care Home model of care to life and to demonstrate how this model of care works for individual’s and whānau.


Find out more:

Health Care Home Interactive Model of Care – Collaborative Aotearoa

Resource Library – Collaborative Aotearoa


For further information contact:

Renee Ward