We welcome all feedback for any of the services we provide.
Please contact us using any of the the following:
t: (03) 520 6200
e: info@nullmarlboroughpho.org.nz
All feedback is an opportunity for us to improve the services provided to you and others.
You may provide feedback about the services provided by Marlborough Primary Health or its contracted providers (including general practices) by:
- Contacting the health professional who provided your care or the manager of that service.
- Phoning or writing to Marlborough Primary health using the contact details above.
- Completing the online form
You may also contact the Health and Disability Advocacy Service for Nelson Marlborough on 0800 555 050 or the Health and Disability Commissioner on 0800 11 22 33 .
Complaints will be acknowledged within five (5) working days of receipt. Your complaint will be investigated within 10 working days from the date of acknowledgement.
You will be kept informed if this takes longer and the reasons for any delays.